On Tuesday, June 12th I had the pleasure to lead a workshop on my project “Zen of Teaching: Myths of Teaching, Learning & Technology” within the NMC 2012 Summer Conference at MIT. What a tremendous, awesome experience!! I had a group of twelve plus a sweet couple of the competent NMC staff, including the awesome Samantha Adams and Victoria Estrada, who took notes of everything, tweeted and later published it. The group was really fabulous, lots of questions and discussions over the three hours of the workshop. It did help me focus on my research and provided valuable feedback which I’ll incorporate into the website/book zenofteaching.us.

Here is (not the latest version of) the presentation: http://slidesha.re/zenofteachingus.

Here is a workshop summary done by NMC’s Victoria Estrada.

Here is a brief video in which I reflect on the most important thing of the workshop, by Samantha Adams:

Last, here you can check a daily digest of all days of the conference.

Finally, embedded here you find the Storify summary of my workshop. Enjoy and participate!!


Zen of Teaching -The Workshop

#Zent12 #nmc12 12 June 2012Ain’t number 12 playin’ a big role here?

Storified by Antonio Vantaggiato · Sun, Jun 17 2012 13:56:12

Zen of Teaching: Myths of Teaching & Learning and Technology

{Thanks to: New Media Consortium, NYU/Faculty Resource Network, US Department of Education, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón}

The Presentation / slidesha.re/zenofteachingus
Zen of TeachingZen of Teaching The Zen of Teaching project began on my blog "Skate of the Web" with the series of posts on Myths of Teaching & Learning …
zenofteaching [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPageWorkshop participants, please add your considerations, ideas, resources to this wiki. Information Antonio Vantaggiato, Universidad del Sa…
RT @avunque: #nmc12 Summer Conference Recap: Zen of Teaching #zent12 http://www.nmc.org/news/summer-conference-recap-zen-teachingRebecca D
Most Important Thing with Antonio Vantaggiatonewmediaconsortium
Thanks @NMCorg: NMC Summer Conference Daily Digest (http://go.nmc.org/nmc12-digests) #NMC12 watch The Most Important Thing: Zen of Teaching #zent12Antonio Vantaggiato
The #zenofteaching interview w/ @mwesch & @GardnerCampbell!! is online http://blogs.netedu.info #zent12 #nmc12Antonio Vantaggiato
Zen of Teaching Interview with Mike Wesch and Gardner Campbellavantaggiato
On board the Acela Express from Penn Station NYC to Boston. Tomorrow, my workshop #zenofteaching #zent12 at #nmc12Antonio Vantaggiato
RT @NMCorg: No one told students to use Facebook & build their networks around it. They did it on their own. Student-directed learning! #nmc12 #zent12Sam Fraulino
RT @Sarah_BLC: “@catherinecronin: RT @nmcorg: "Please write. It gives a new life to your thoughts." – @avunque #zent12 #nmc12”Antonio Vantaggiato
“@catherinecronin: RT @nmcorg: "Please write. It gives a new life to your thoughts." – @avunque #zent12 #nmc12”Sarah Cousins
It was AWESOME! RT @avunque: Thanks to @NMCorg & all at my wkshp #zenofteaching #zent12 #nmc12 (cont) http://tl.gd/hqh8s3New Media Consortium
RT @catherinecronin: RT @nmcorg: "Please write. It gives a new life to your thoughts." – @avunque #zent12 #nmc12Antonio Vantaggiato
Thanks to @NMCorg & all at my wkshp #zenofteaching #zent12 #nmc12 Group was awesome! Pls go http:/:zenofteaching.us, write and share!Antonio Vantaggiato
RT @NMCorg: "Please write. It gives a new life to your thoughts." – @avunque #zent12 #nmc12Rainer Mack
As print media increasingly fades away, what do the people who value the tangible experience of reading a book do? #nmc12 #zent12New Media Consortium
RT @nmcorg: "Please write. It gives a new life to your thoughts." – @avunque #zent12 #nmc12Catherine Cronin
"Please write. It gives a new life to your thoughts." – @avunque #zent12 #nmc12New Media Consortium
RT @NMCorg: Tip from @avunque to promote critical thinking: Have students create blog both freeform & on class themes. #zent12 #nmc12Gavin Dykes
Reason schools can’t go completely technical for job preparedness: "Students need humanities & civics knowledge" – @avunque #zent12 #nmc12New Media Consortium
"Zen of Teaching" is about changing perceptions of education as a vehicle to better teaching & learning experiences. #zent12 #nmc12New Media Consortium
It’s important for students to deconstruct, analyze & assess their learning experiences – "Is this really what I want/need?" #nmc12 #zent12New Media Consortium
We need to teach students some basic skills that are more relevant to real life, i.e. financial skills – @avunque at #zent12 #nmc12New Media Consortium
Let’s fix this together –> "In education, your value depends on other people failing." -Peter Thiel #nmc12 #zent12New Media Consortium
It is ultimately *people* that can turn a school around. http://zenofteaching.pbworks.com zenofteaching.us #nmc12 #zent12New Media Consortium
RT @NMCorg: No one told students to use Facebook & build their networks around it. They did it on their own. Student-directed learning! #nmc12 #zent12Richard D. Cassella
No one told students to use Facebook & build their networks around it. They did it on their own. Student-directed learning! #nmc12 #zent12New Media Consortium
RT @NMCorg: "Computers won’t begin to have a real impact on education until they’re seen as the message rather than the medium" R. Schank #nmc12 #zent12Thomas Bröker
How the Internet enables intimacy: http://bit.ly/AsBQa1 #nmc12 #zent12 #edtechNew Media Consortium
"Computers won’t begin to have a real impact on education until they’re seen as the message rather than the medium" R. Schank #nmc12 #zent12New Media Consortium
"WE are the tools." Technology is secondary. #nmc12 #zent12New Media Consortium
"My 2 yr old son uses his iPad to browse YouTube. He already knows it so well. We need to find ways to catch up." #zent12 #nmc12 #edtechNew Media Consortium
“@NMCorg: Digital storytelling is one of the most captivating methods of teaching & learning. #nmc12 #zent12 #edtech”Granite EdTech
"The limits of language are the limits of my world." #nmc12 #zent12New Media Consortium
That’s a quote from L. Wittgenstein.
The concept of dividing different subjects is an assumption that needs to be placed on a backshelf… #nmc12 #zent12New Media Consortium
Is the death of print books a myth of teaching, learning & technology? http://zenofteaching.pbworks.com #nmc12 #zent12 cc: @avunqueNew Media Consortium
To follow along with Zen of Teaching –> #zent12 #nmc12 cc: @avunque (zenofteaching.us)New Media Consortium
I’m on my way back to NYC from Boston. Train WiFi, love you (if accompanied by beer). Workshop #zent12 at #nmc12 went really well :) Antonio Vantaggiato

Antonio Vantaggiato