Licensed by CC: Ammon Beckstrom

Licensed by CC: Ammon Beckstrom

So I was told, that for my class, almost-final, assignment I had, to give the name, of an influential, or connected person to the name of our course, which is New social and digital media.

So, on my suggestion box, I had the name of this author.

His name is Seth Godin.

Obviously, I don’t know him personally. But through, his world, of writing, I am totally in love, with what he teaches and explains.

His writing(s) are, on a whole another level.

His perspective as a human being is to think that you should never be a quitter and I could say that his motto, in life is quit the stuff that is not useful in your life.

I, myself, could not amount to the greatness of his work, by only explaining it with words. You would need to experience it, for yourself.

So @avunque, told me clearly, that because I had named him, as a prospect, to be interviewed by our class (during a conversation through SKYPE) my next step, would be to tell Seth, through an email, what was the idea we have behind interviewing him.

I have to remind you guys, that the first time we did this was to meet Alan Levine.

Well, I did. I wrote my very, simple but clear email, and wished for the best to happen.

News Flash.

He said No.

Seth Godin Blog

Seth Godin’s Twitter

Seth Godin’s You Tube Channel

The good news is that he answered. The bad new, is that he is not, going to be available for the interview.

I expected not to ever hear from him, but I have to thank him, for responding and being clear about his work. Anyways, thought you wanted to hear.

Silence the Mind