Internet Research Agency, Trolling, Bots & Fake News

Hello, friends! For the final project of the class Informática 115 with Professor Antonio Vantaggiato, my teammates (Solimar Acha, Paola Maldonado, Yairimar Tardy and Viviana Flores) and I did a little investigation about the Internet Research Agency or as some people call it, the troll factory. If you aren’t familiar with these terms, soon you’ll understand what’s been going on with […]


Have you ever been friend-zoned? Wait, don’t answer that. I have no scientific proof, still I believe that at least once in our life time we’ve been placed there. Unless you’re like I am, an insecure and modest little thing that positions herself right there. And it’s not because I don’t like him, it’s because […]

Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration

Since the beginning of the semester, I was assigned to read the book Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull for the class EMP 150 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Prof. Leila Marcano. Each student was assigned a different book and miraculously, the professor chose a […]


For the past few weeks I’ve been gathering information related to our class Informatica 115: Nuevos Medios Digitales y Redes Sociales (New Digital Media and Social Media). Since I was assigned to search for Talks, here’s a list of all the ones I found and saved on my diigo account: Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad: How tech […]

Be careful with what your children are watching

A few weeks ago on Informática 115 class with professor Antonio Vantaggiato  we discussed the following video: [Source: The nightmare videos of childrens’ YouTube — and what’s wrong with the internet today | James Bridle by TED published on Jul 13, 2018 on YouTube Licensed by CC] The first video is about the not so family content […]

Consejos para perfeccionar tu blog

¡Saludos! Como estudiante de la clase de Informática 115 de la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, quisiera compartirles algunos consejos para personalizar, publicar y mantener un blog en WordPress. Los siguientes enlaces los dirigirán a los tutoriales: Personalización Publicaciones (hyperlinks, hashtags, creditos, etc…) Tips para crear contenido y mantener actividad Disclaimer: Todavía algunos de los artículos […]


¡Saludos! Bienvenidos a nuestro tutorial de como hacer una publicación en WordPress. A través de esta entrada podrás aprender sobre los textos, hyperlinks, creditos, etc. Este recurso esta diseñado para los estudiantes de Informática 115 de la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. No obstante, este mismo le puede funcionar a cualquier persona tratando de “start-up” su blog. […]

Student Assembly at Universidad del Sagrado Corazón

On Tuesday March 19, 2019 the University of Sagrado Corazón held their biannual Student Assembly hosted by the university’s Student Council. An event where students are offered the opportunity to express their concerns towards any issue involving institution. Every semester the administration gathers with the students to hear about their problems and try to […]

La Situación Presents: The University Life

Last week my colleagues Viviana Flores, Bryan Alejadro, Yairimar Tardy and I participated in creating the first podcast episode for the class Informática 115 with Professor Antonio Vantaggiato. Which is entirely produced by students from the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. Our new project is called “La Situación” where we’ll be talking about different topics related to the students, […]