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“organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”.
Google obviously wants to have all the answers to all possible absurd questions. The danger with this goal is that they positioned the persons that represents part of the diversity of the world as not worthy of being treated with respect.
Author: Bedushka
Posted: May 16, 2017, 3:55 am
“The internet is among the few things that humans have built that they don’t understand.”
Más de acuerdo no se puede estar. Concuerdo con ese pensamiento, no lo entenderemos a la perfección, cada vez más sigue siendo un misterio y a la vez un abismo del que todos quedaremos atrapados, consumidos.
Author: shenysnoelia
Posted: May 15, 2017, 3:11 pm
We have competition laws. But these companies are not being held responsible. There are no powers to get Google or Facebook to disclose anything. There’s an editorial function to Google and Facebook but it’s being done by sophisticated algorithms. They say it’s machines not editors. But that’s simply a mechanised editorial function.”
Ahí vamos, a ser unas compañías mecanizadas están programadas ...
Author: shenysnoelia
Posted: May 15, 2017, 3:09 pm
Google is knowledge. It’s where you go to find things out. And evil Jews are just the start of it. There are also evil women. I didn’t go looking for them either. This is what I type: “a-r-e w-o-m-e-n”. And Google offers me just two choices, the first of which is: “Are women evil?” I press return. Yes, they are. Every one of the 10 results “confirms” that they are, including the top one, from a...
Author: shenysnoelia
Posted: May 15, 2017, 2:45 pm
Jews are evil. Muslims need to be eradicated. And Hitler? Do you want to know about Hitler? Let’s Google it. “Was Hitler bad?” I type. And here’s Google’s top result: “10 Reasons Why Hitler Was One Of The Good Guys” I click on the link: “He never wanted to kill any Jews”; “he cared about conditions for Jews in the work camps”; “he implemented social and cultural reform.” Eight out of the other ...
Author: Mike12
Posted: May 15, 2017, 2:58 am
As a student of Communication and Public Relations l consider myself a "neutral" person. I don't think it is Google fault or any search engine about what people decide to educate and informed themselves. Whether it is for good intentions or bad intentions to use that knowledge. Good and bad intentions are a human nature that will never go away as it is a part of us. The way you use it will defi...
Author: Sadenab
Posted: May 14, 2017, 6:00 am
It is very interesting how this article talks about how Google's search engine is a reflection of our society. The suggestions it gives throughout our search are suggestions that people are also asking themselves and rather the top 4 be harsh and bad. We have to remind ourselves that people are the ones searching for these answers, it is as stated a "information war". You might not agree to it ...
Author: Sadenab
Posted: May 14, 2017, 6:00 am
This article comes to show you that technology has its positive and negative sides. Throughout believes given to us by our nuclear family some people truly believe this to be true and decide to google this to confirm and educate themselves on "why". Reasons to know why "jews are evil"and let me tell you this, "evil" can manifest itself in different ways, races, gender and it has many faces.
Author: Sadenab
Posted: May 14, 2017, 5:43 am
The more people who search for information about Jews, the more people will see links to hate sites, and the more they click on those links (
Si nos ponemos a pensar, estamos viendo como nosotros mismo estamos nutriendo este problema, se ha visto desde siempre y como dice en el articulo no tenmos form de pararlo. La curiosidad juega un papel muy importante en esta situción. Lo digo porque por cu...
Author: hgerena
Posted: May 12, 2017, 4:43 pm
Google isn’t just a search engine
Todos sabemos eso. El problema es el tipo de información que esta buscando el usuario. Asi mismo esta pasando con wikipedia, uno puede entrar a una pagina de wikipedia y puede editar la información que esta ahi dentro, sin que te pida algun tipo de "log in" o llenar alguna información para que te autorize a editar lo que ya esta escrito.
Author: hgerena
Posted: May 12, 2017, 4:40 pm
Stories about fake news on Facebook
Esto es otro problema grande que está ocurriendo. A uno le sale en el feed de facebook cualquier noticia como por ejemplo: "Obama muere a sus 57 años" y hay gente que se lo cree y cuando entran la pagina o es un virus o es una promoción.
Author: hgerena
Posted: May 12, 2017, 4:36 pm
me pasa mucho esto cuando estoy con mis amigos y familia y en realidad es triste ya no parecemos humanos, ahora parecemos extraterrestes que sin el telefono no funcionamos.
Author: gio.stgo
Posted: April 25, 2016, 2:33 pm
deben de prevenir mas los celulares porque ya descrubimos un metodo de estar en el celular en clase y si nos vuelve una costumbre
Author: gio.stgo
Posted: April 25, 2016, 2:27 pm
“Have we forgot what conversation is? What friendship is?”
Esto es una de las preguntas que hace a diario cuando vemos a otras personas envueltas con la tecnología... pero, nos hacemos esa misma pregunta nosotros?
Author: Wilnette
Posted: April 20, 2016, 3:11 pm
Look at all these damaged subhumans that have fallen for technology’s addictive and noxious appeal! the book insists. Look at the victims of the digital toxin who need curing!
Si parecemos subhumanos, porque nos desconectamos de cualquier interacción presencial por estar viviendo en el telefono, computadoras y tablets. Somos unas victimas adictivas a todo lo digital que hemos perdido el sentido ...
Author: Odiazt
Posted: April 20, 2016, 3:03 pm
Our phones are not accessories, but psychologically potent devices that change not just what we do but who we are.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con esta oración en particular. A través de los años hemos visto como el ser humano sigue dependiendo de estos aparatos electrónicos.
Author: Wilnette
Posted: April 20, 2016, 3:00 pm
Daddy,” she said, “stop Googling. I want to talk to you.” A 15-year-old boy told me that someday he wanted to raise a family, not the way his parents are raising him (with phones out during meals and in the park and during his school sports events) but the way his parents think they are raising him — with no phones at meals and plentiful family conversation.
Esto es muy triste y lamentable, se v...
Author: Odiazt
Posted: April 20, 2016, 2:54 pm
I feel naked/lost/afraid without my phone. I am enslaved by my smartphone.
This article, and sentence, reminds me of the discussion we are having this semester, in my class #inf115, with @avunque. We are discussing two other articles. One is by Sherry Turkle called "Stop Googling. Let's Talk". http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/27/opinion/sunday/stop-googling-lets-talk.html?_r=1 The other one is ...
Author: silencethemind
Posted: March 31, 2016, 11:38 pm
“We catch ourselves not looking into the eyes of our children or taking the time to talk with them just to have a few more hits of our email,”
A veces con la vida ocupada que tenemos, sin darnos cuenta cometemos esto. A menudo me pasa con mi familia, mientras me estan hablando.
Author: cjavier1510
Posted: March 28, 2016, 6:01 am
In conversation, things go best if you pay close attention and learn how to put yourself in someone else’s shoes
Aprendemos a ser empaticos con los demas.
Author: cjavier1510
Posted: March 28, 2016, 5:07 am