Licensed by CC: Joan M. Mas

Licensed by CC: Joan M. Mas

While we’re at it, I wanted to share this article, which represents how not only, government has social media presence, but surprisingly they have, YouTube presence too, which is what we are currently discussing in class.

This article, show that exactly a, “77% of governments, have a YouTube presence”.

The higher presence is leaded by Columbia and the Philippines.

“The extensive use of YouTube by world leaders emphasises the growing power video content is playing in the communications field and the increasing shift in efforts to get messages across to audiences around the world.” Donald A. Baer, Worldwide Chair and CEO, Burson-Marsteller.

You can look up, “the most viewed YouTube video of a world leader is a 2007 clip of then-Senator Obama and American comedian and television host Ellen DeGeneres dancing to Beyonce.”

Jeremy Galbraith, Burson-Marsteller’s CEO, Europe, Middle East & Africa and Global Chief Strategy Officer says that: “Communicating effectively and being able to cut through the noise has become more difficult. Video offers an opportunity to illustrate a message visually and creatively, and has therefore become critical to all communications today – and the world of politics is no different.”

This is the fascination of being able to learn how to use video-interview.


Silence the Mind