Roman Reigns: The Superman who’s actually Human • #ThankYouRoman

Cover Photo Credit: Photo Edited by ME on VSCO under CC Guidelines & Licenses [Original Photo by: Miguel Discart Title: 2013-11-08_20-07-13_NEX-6_7554_DxO  License: CC]  Something that I’ve always loved…… Read more “Roman Reigns: The Superman who’s actually Human • #ThankYouRoman”

¿Ciantas veces haces el amor a la semana?

Cuantas veces haces el amor en la semana? In my first year of college, I wrote an investigation essay on the benefits of having sex regularly and I wish I could’ve found this when I did. Though there’s really no sources of scientific research in this article, I have found scientif articles that support it […]


No, he doesn’t listen to me. No, he doesn’t care for me. No, he doesn’t hold me. No, he doesn’t love me. I am an object, a fling of the imagination. The type of girl who fulfill your famtasies. She fucks, she cuddles, she cares, she listens and in the end she disappears leaving no […]


No, he doesn’t listen to me. No, he doesn’t care for me. No, he doesn’t hold me. No, he doesn’t love me. I am an object, a fling of the imagination. The type of girl who fulfill your famtasies. She fucks, she cuddles, she cares, she listens and in the end she disappears leaving no […]

What is an Orgasm?

What is an orgasm? Before people get concerned with making their partners reach orgams, let’s examine what an orgasm really is? I mean It’s just wrong to be an engineer and have the least bit idea of the function that a ruler has in your career. Well the same thing happen here. Everyday more […]

Will I ever get to feel again?

Though it may not look like it, sex to me is a sacred bond between two people. Not many people think this of me (or anything else for that matter) for the fact that if not sexual then it is not natural of me. Though my lips may release one to many sxual annecdotes, most […]