Conferencia: “The future of higher education” por el Dr. Rafael Bras

El pasado jueves 14 de febrero el Dr. Rafael Bras se presento en el teatro de la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, para hablar sobre el futuro de la educación. Bras, de 69 anos edad, es un ingeniero civil puertorriqueno, Vice presidente ejecutivo de los asuntos académicos del Instituto Tecnológico de Georgia. Mis compañeras, Natalia, Yairie, […]

Teaching, Learning–and Studying: The Road Less Traveled.

Flickr photo by Michael Hall. CC-Licensed BY-NC-SA.

A book review on reminds me of a singular issue in the teaching & learning community: Studying, the road less traveled. In it, studying is compared to a sort of rebel passion. Studying is disappearing, writes Paola Mastrocola, author of the … Continue reading

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A case of a lost tape, the Puerto Rico Connection podcast, and a lot of #care4sagrado from the Far East

Flickr photo by Antonio Vantaggiato. CC-Licensed, BY.

Damn, Alan got there first, once again. We had forgotten all about that tape, but before everything went sour he recovered the recording from January 1st, and this time at last & at least I did some work on TapeWrite … Continue reading

The post A case of a lost tape, the Puerto Rico Connection podcast, and a lot of #care4sagrado from the Far East appeared first on Skate of the web.