License CC: Niccolò Caranti

Well Wikipedia just turned 15 on January 15th, 2016, and many students around the world couldn’t be happier about the existence of this great webpage. Let’s admit it, we’ve all used this page to make a project on the last minute during our high school years and sometimes during college. Wikipedia has been one of the most influenced websites and one of the most visited too. Since fun facts to scientific events, Wikipedia has everything we can think of. For me the problem with Wikipedia, is that sometimes the posts aren’t authenticated and that makes it a little harder for college students to validate their resources and the work & effort they put into the assignment. For me, specifically, Wikipedia is such a great tool to engage in new topics and learn the basics of some topics. Here I’m sharing a link of an article that catch my attention and made me realize that sometimes we have to keep looking and don’t settle for the first article we see.

Link for the article “As Wikipedia turns 15 years old, we take a look at its 15 most-edited articles of all time”:

Puertorican Influencers:

We had to look for 3 people which we thought were influencers in our island; here are my top 3:

  • Julio Rivera Saniel
    • @riverasaniel
    • For me he’s a great influencer because, first of all he has over 91K followers on his twitter, and that means something. He has a weekly column on Metro (a local newspaper) where he talks about social topics and our daily basis.
  • La Mafia PR
    • @lamafiapr
    • This website was created by bloggers and even though the post about food they encourage locals to buy from restaurants that are from Puerto Rico and not chain foods. Tho, they might not have lots of followers the move masses and they encourage to shop locally.
  • Uka Green
    • @ukagreen
    • She is one of the top PR’s in the island, she has a book, a blog, she has a panel on a daily television show, and has almost 23K followers on her twitter. This are a few reasons why she’s an influencer. For me she has a way with words and that makes people engage in her posts.


Cristina Arce